Tuesday, January 18, 2005


I went forward Sunday morning...the only other time I have ever done that was the day I was baptized. It was hard, but I had to ask my brothers and sisters to pray for me.
I have one thing to say...AMEN!!!!
God hears prayers, he responds to our pleas. I am in no way saying that my worries and problems are totally gone. I'm too human to be care-free, but I do feel relief. I feel some peace that I didn't have before and I feel more on the way.

God is good.

I want to start my own Bible study...maybe a blog Bible study...anybody want to participate? I was studying Job and have stopped. I think I'll start that again. Not sure if I'm brave enough to post all of my thoughts here. I'm afraid that my limited knowledge of scripture could be quite embarrassing, but I have also recently learned that its ok to need help. So maybe I will post here and ask for your help with what I'm studying. There...good idea!
Any takers???

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