Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Have you ever heard the phrase, 'I'm so mad I could spit?' I'm going to spit...I understand the phrase now.
Trust is a big thing with me. I can be too trusting of other people on a superficial level. But if I'm going to let you into my life in an intimate way, its hard for me to trust you. Its even hard for me to trust God sometimes...trust is HUGE!
My trust has been betrayed by a family member and it is so hurtful. I'm angry and sad and disappointed and even a little guilty for ever trusting that what I say in confidence would be kept in confidence. I feel naive and silly. And spittin' mad.
But what do I do? The Bible says I should confront those that I am upset with so that I don't let it build up before forgiving them. But how do I do that without screaming and yelling right now? I don't think I can.
Please pray for me to say the right things and to be forgiving.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, you impress me so! You are REAL...that is what I appreciate the most! You don't pretend to be perfect as so many Christians do, but you do really Love the Lord and you aren't afraid to say it! You aren't afraid to say that you aren't perfect either! You're so cool, Vern!
