Thursday, July 21, 2005


So, Ken and about 12 other CrossBridge memebers left for a mission trip to Honduras yesterday. They drove to Nashville and then got up at the crack of dawn this morning to hop a plane to Miami which then took them to Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

I miss him already.

I had no idea I would be so sad to see him go. Honestly, I was looking forward to having so much time to myself because I knew that I had a lot to do. But now I'm sad. I miss having him to call with good news and bad news and every kind of news in between. I miss knowing that I would have dinner with him. I miss praying with him. I just miss him!


I know that what he and the rest of the people are doing is a great thing. From what I understand, this trip will change him (I'm sure in a good way). But I can't help but worry about their safety in that country and in travel. Hearing about the attempted bombings in London didn't help things at all. I'm a worrier too.

So...please pray with me for the group's safety, for the people of Honduras, and most of all for God's will to be done through this trip. I know God is looking down on them and using them and protecting them. He is faithful!

1 comment:

  1. Mandy,

    Thanks for visiting Wayne's Worldtoday.

    Physical separation is hard, isn't it? Being apart from my only child, never mind that he's a 22-year-old man, has really helped me hone my spiritual intuition.

    As an example, read yesterday's post. Then pop open the comments and take a look at #4.

    You may also enjoy exploring some of the spiritual resources listed on our Sidebar. Dr. Clarice Fluitt is a long-time personal friend who has a knack for delivering Truth in a humorous form. You can even listen online.

    Come back often,
    Rebecca M.
