Wednesday, March 03, 2010

The New Mandee

I haven't written in a long time. Not here, not in my journal, not anywhere. I've been so busy with so many good things, but I'm afraid my busy-ness is eliminating some other very good things from my life.
Since 2006, I earned my masters degree, got an amazing teaching job, and gained a husband and a few daughters along with him! I'm happier than I've ever been with my life right now. I love my job. I love my husband. I love my girls. But I'm too busy!
I want to be the best I can be at all of the roles I now have, but I'm afraid I'm not so good at any of them. I'm worn out! My goal for my blog this year is to learn to focus on what is most important and that is my relationship with God. Without Him, I am nothing. He loves my husband and children through me. He teaches and nurtures my students through me. He takes care of my parents through me.
Lord, emerse me in Your Holy Spirit. Break my heart and make it Yours. Create in me a clean heart and help me to be the best woman I can be FOR YOU!

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