Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Passion Project

As I mentioned in the last post, my class is working on Passion Projects. While we were discussing passions, I gave the kids an example from my own life. I used to have a career in media, but I wasn't satisfied. I didn't feel that I was doing what I was made to do. I told them that my passions are being creative and building relationships and my talents are working with kids and teaching. So, I combined what I love and what I'm good at and now I have a job I am passionate about.

One sweet little boy raised his hand and said, "Mrs. McD, you forgot one of you passions." I fully expected him to say it was chocolate, coffee or Diet Mt. Dew. But, he said, "You love to help people who need you." Oh my! What a moment! These kids are so thoughtful and insightful. I had never thought of that as one of my passions until I found myself head first in this big project and a child pointed it out to me.
I DO LOVE TO HELP! But, I must be honest. I get more out of it than I am able to give. It is truly satisfying for me to see a need met because of an ability I have. Does that diminish the deed? I almost feel guilty saying that. But, maybe that's why it's a passion.

All that to get to husband and I went to Pleasant Grove yesterday to deliver backpacks and supplies that were donated by a school in Georgia. PGES is fine, but they have over 100 families in their school that are displaced. They said the kids have toys and schools supplies and backpacks to choose from. Every child skips the toys and goes straight to the back packs. I wonder why that is. My guess is that it is part of their identity. They are students and that is a unifying symbol. Bless them.

The principal told us that the barricades are down, so we should go see some of the damage. I felt that I was intruding on the community, but I think it is important to take in the imapct first hand.

It was horrible.

Complete widespread destruction.

Praise the Lord they didn't lose any children from that school.

I also received an email from the principal at Cullman Christian school with a list of items they need. The school is a complete loss. They teach pre-K through 12th grade there, so they need everything.

Here is the list...please let me know if you can help:
So, this is my own passion project. I want to help people, I have connections with other compassionate teachers, and I have a room full of kids who want to do their part. I'm researching, learning, and teaching along with my children. Ain't the teaching life grand?

1 comment:

  1. Keep on, keepin' on Mandee! You are doing a great job and are an inspiration for all of us!

    Tulley and I went out to PGES this evening to deliver some books we collected at our school. They were having a community wide 'carnival' at the school -- cookout, inflatables, game -- they had it all. The kids were having so much fun and the parents were all enjoying themselves so much. One parent commented, "I haven't heard so much happiness in one place for weeks!"
