Friday, January 27, 2012

I'll be a blogger...

So, I've decided that blogging is the thing for me!
I've mentioned before that I love crafting and cooking and trying new ways of doing each.  When I was working full time, I didn't have time to try very much.  I've got the time now and I'd like to help others out who may not have the time.
I've recently become addicted to pinterest.  I know, who hasn't?  I've tried several things that I've found there - recipes, organization tips, craft ideas, products, etc.  I figured I could share what I've tried with my friends and family and anyone else who may stumble upon my blog.
I know there are a lot of blogs like this out there, but why not do one myself?

Stay tuned...In the mean time, you can see the pins that I've tried here!

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