Saturday, February 11, 2012

Alpha Gamma Delta and me

This doesn't actually have anything to do with what I found on Pinterest, but I want to do it anyway.  So there.
Today I went back to my college, the University of Montevallo, for an Alpha Gam reunion.  This has been in the works for a while, but I didn't ever think I'd actually go for several reasons.  Most of it was thinking I hadn't done anything much to be proud pride.
I'm so glad I went!  Nobody cared what my job is, where my house is, or how expensive my car is.  They don't care that I am divorced and remarried or that I don't have any children of my own.
We were all just so happy to see each other and to hear that everyone is happy and successful in their own ways.  We spent some of the best days of our lives together and will always have a special bond.

Here are some things I learned today:
1. I am now a "Ma'am."
2. I am middle-aged.
3. Three flights of stairs never get easier.
4. Taking risks are usually well worth the risk.
5. Old friends are always friends.
6. I can still fit into my jersey, but it sure doesn't look the same!
7. Alpha Gam WILL always be a part of me.

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