Tuesday, March 06, 2012

The Pancake Quest

I heart pancakes - all of them: buttermilk, whole grain, blueberry, banana, German, you name it!  Pancakes love me so much that they stick to me when I eat them.  So, I've had to say goodbye to them.  I may have cried a little.
Since our tearful parting, I've been on a quest for a low-carb pancake recipe that doesn't require strange ingredients and might just actually taste pancakey.  Well, I've pinned a few on Pinterest that sounded like they could be contenders.  I've even tried a few.
This one from Delighted Momma was ok.  Mine were not as pretty as hers and neither of us could get over the mealy texture the almond flour gave it.  Several of her readers commented that they loved them.  Maybe it takes time to get used to it?  Maybe I did something wrong?

Her's were so pretty!

Low Carb Pinay shared a recipe from Sugar Free Sheila (who I am learning more from) for a pancake made with cream cheese.  Well, who doesn't love some cream cheese?  I tried it and I'm convinced!  These pancakes remind me of German pancakes...very eggy. Just my style!  I just have to find some egg rings to cook them in.  I haven't tried them on the hubs yet, but I will soon!
I really can't say enough about this recipe - try it yourself!  I wouldn't use syrup on these, but I put a pat of butter and some cinnamon on top - PERFECTION!


 I don't have egg rings, but I did have a heart one!
 The finished heart!

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