Friday, April 27, 2012

There's no such thing as a calorie credit card.

"I'll have to work this off later" is something I have said several times.  More often than not, I forget about the ice cream or the pizza and let the day go as an "off day."

That's how a credit card works.  You don't have the cash, so you put it on the card and end up paying more after the interest builds up.
I don't use credit cards.  I won't use my food that way either.


I've got an event to go to this weekend that I'm really excited about.  Tonight I'm meeting a friend of mine before the conference for dinner at a nice place I've never been to and probably won't go too often.  I don't want to have to order a salad. I'd like to try whatever looks good on the menu (within reason).  I know that I've got to be back downtown early tomorrow morning and won't be home until late tomorrow night.  Sunday will also be busy.  It isn't likely that I will get a workout in over the next two days.
I did my typical workout today, but I decided I needed to add a little extra so that I can eat tonight!  I will be served a box lunch tomorrow, probably a sandwich, and another yummy dinner tomorrow night.  This will not be a great weight loss weekend, but I don't want to have a weight gaining weekend either.
I've pinned a few ">zumba videos to my Strong board on Pinterest.  I do a few of these on days when I need a little extra burn.  It's so much fun that it doesn't feel like a chore.  I do work up a sweat, but I smile too!  BONUS: It's great for my mood : )
Here's my favorite:

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