Wednesday, May 02, 2012


So, I'm in a funk. I've been so gung-ho lately that I think I've burned myself out.

After doing Day 2 of the advanced version of the Shred, I went to Rock Your Body Studio for a Rock Your Core class and then Dance Trance on Tuesday night. It was so much fun!  But I was so sore the next day.  So sore, in fact, that I couldn't get through Day 3 of the Shred.  Actually, it wasn't even that I was sore.  I think my muscles were all exhausted and my brain was funky.

Here is how I looked after my first dance class in YEARS:

You see, I used to be a pretty good dancer back in the day.  Every time I looked in the mirror at the studio, I saw a klutzy fat girl who didn't know what she was doing.  I was really disappointed in myself because I thought about it too much.  The important thing about that night was that I was MOVING!  I was trying something new that I didn't have the guts 10 pounds ago.

I really have come a long way - I am active WAY more than I have been in a long time and I have lost over 10 pounds.  But I think I just focused too much on how far I still have to go.  Right now, my goal is to lose 4 more pounds and to keep working on getting fewer carbs and more nutrients.  THAT is was I need to FOCUS on!

Today I was still pretty sore, so I decided Shredding would only make me feel bad again.  I found a free yoga video on Hulu and tried that. I did a full hour of yoga and it is just what I needed!  the stretching helped my sore muscles, and I used the quiet time to talk to God about my goals and re-evaluate my motivation for doing all of this.

I've got to live a life worthy of Him!  I think I'm going back to the dance class Thursday and Sunday.  I'll keep up the yoga on days in between.  I'm hoping this will get me out of my funk!

How do other people get out of the funk???

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