Monday, May 07, 2012

Trying New Things

This blog is all about trying new and different things.  I've tried painting, crafting, cooking, smoothie-ing, working out, baking, and being green.  Some of those things - most, even - have worked out well for me; even the green smoothies!

The 30 Day Shred is one of those things that worked well.  I lost several inches and over 5 pounds in 30 days!  I was very happy with my results, but burned out on Shredding.  My plan was to start the cycle over again and Shred for another 30 days using the advanced workouts.

But I just couldn't do it all over again.

Exercise was becoming a huge chore that I had no interest in and I knew I was dangerously close to quitting and having to start the cycle of weight gain - shame - try a diet - quit - get it right - burn out again.  I'm not having that!
So, I've been trying a few new things.  I went to another Dance Trance class yesterday.  I learned some of the dances I "waddled" through earlier in the week and felt much more encouraged at the end.  I can do this!  I'm hoping to talk the hubby into a membership there soon.  This won't be my only work out for now though.  I need things to do on the days I don't go.

A friend of mine let me borrow her Billy Blanks Boot Camp videos and I tried one today.  It was fun!  It is a whole like the Tae Bo videos I used several years ago - a good workout!  I was sweating a lot by the end and MyFitnessPal said that i burned over 500 calories!  That is so worth my 40 minutes!!!

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