Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Veruca Salt of Prayer

Yes.  I am he Veruca Salt of prayer.  I want it and I want it NOW!

I can honestly say that I depend on God to provide for me in the long-term.  Time after time, I have witnessed His mercy in my life as He makes everything OK.
However, I forget that He is providing for me daily as He prepares me for the long-term.
I want it and I want it NOW!

In Exodus, God provides manna for the Israelites.  He gives them just enough to make it through each day.  As I read about how greedy some of them were, I cannot believe they would act that way after He has just delivered them from slavery in Egypt through all sorts of miracles!  Why wouldn't they just trust him???

Um…I'm just like them.  Oopsies.

How can my soul be satisfied when I don't have what I want?  Last time I checked, there is no manna falling from the sky!!!

He is still our manna.  He continues to be my daily portion of manna as He prepares my Israel.

My daily manna is peace in knowing He has a better plan that I do.

My daily manna is patience as His plan unfolds before me.

My daily manna is the self-control He provides so that I am able to continue in His will.

My daily manna is the love I am privileged to share with others because of He who lives in me.

My daily manna is the joy I experience every day even when I don't have what I want (but I have what I need).

My daily manna is the kindness I express to others even when I don't feel like being kind.

My daily manna is the goodness that comes out of my life - in spite of all the "badness".

My daily manna is the faithfulness that allows me to know that there is a source of all of this manna that I need every moment of every day.

My manna is the gentleness that I use in dealing with others who need manna too - and dealing with my own weaknesses.

Even when I have an "I want an oompa-loompa and I want it NOW" moment, I can find my daily portion with God's promises.  He is giving me just what I need for each day.  I just need to stop stomping my foot and ask for my daily portion.

So, here is my prayer: Daddy, I do want it all!  You know all of my heart's desires.  Whether I get exactly what I want or something completely different, I trust in Your will for my life.  Please be my daily portion.  Protect me from an attitude of greed and self-importance.  I know You love me and You want the best for me.  Amen.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! I've never thought of my RIGHT NOW prayers like this!! I'm totally a Veruca Salt :)