Thursday, September 26, 2013

Better Arms - Challenge!

Now that tank top season is over, it's time to make my arms look better, right?  Ha!  I always do things at the least logical time, but at least I'm doing something, right?
I found this pin on Pinterest a long time ago.
Those arms on April 29 - yup!  I recognize them.  I'd like to have the July 9 arms, please!
I clicked the link and found a very easy (please don't be too good to be true) arm workout that can be done in just a few minutes with a set of hand weights.  I deflated my exercise ball and I can't find the pump, so I used the edge of my couch as my ball.
I started today and plan to do it every week day all the way until November 7.  Hoping for some great results!
Here's the workout from

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